With all due respect to George Gershwin (click for a seasonal musical interlude) , summertime in New Jersey means it's time for fresh corn! It's all over the place right now, and usually for a great price--anywhere from 10-30 cents per ear at the grocery store. But to really experience summer corn, I suggest visiting a farmers' market or any of the multitude of local farm stands to get the freshest corn possible. Yes, you will pay closer to 50-75 cents per ear, but the decent quality of the grocery store corn cannot compare with the exceptional quality of the fresh-from-the-farm corn. Adam Rapoport of Bon Appetit wrote a great article today about his favorite ways to cook fresh corn, which got me thinking about some of the ways I've been using corn lately. A few weeks ago I checked out of the library Secrets of the Best Chefs by Adam Roberts. I read it, not like a cookbook, but more more like a novel (this is typical for...